“Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive to come back later in a much worse form ”Sigmund Freud

This quote perfectly describes what happens to us when we do not release more difficult emotions, we do not work through fears or phobias. They will be hidden deep in the subconscious mind to come out to the light when they are least expected. And it is in your subconsciousness that everything you experience is hidden. Every emotion, every feeling, every fear, every weak and strong side of you is written there. There is not only a record of what is bad, but also what is good. All the resources you have within you. They are sometimes so hard to see. Every experience you have had, better or worse, is also recorded there. Because the subconscious is the largest part of your mind, it accounts for 90-95% of your mind. Therefore, in the processes of change, processes of discovering yourself and your potentials, it is important to work with both the subconscious and the conscious. Hypnosis comes to the rescue.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

But what is hypnosis? In fact, it is difficult to give a single definition of hypnosis. British Medical Society decribe hypnosis:

“Hypnosis is a transitory state of altered attention in which various phenomena may arise, whether spontaneous or in response to verbal or other stimuli. These phenomena include changes in consciousness, memory, increased sensitivity to suggestions, responses, and thoughts that the patient in his normal state of consciousness does not sees. Among other things, it is about such phenomena as inducing and suppressing: the feeling of pain, paralysis, muscle stiffness,
motor changes “.

In general, hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation of the body and mind, thanks to which we can easily contact the subconscious and reach all these blocking and limiting programs. It is during a hypnotic trance that we reach more difficult emotions and feelings in order to unlock and release our potential. This is the moment when you tell yourself the truth. In a hypnotic trance, you transform everything that does not serve you, everything that blocks you and everything that causes trauma, anxiety and stress. Thanks to the hypnotic trance, you start to see the better side of yourself, you rediscover yourself, you give yourself a chance for a better life, you feel peace, balance and balance.

Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, is a process that uses hypnotic techniques. This is a great way to find the source of the problem. It is a journey into the subconscious mind to find out the cause of the symptom, because nothing really happens without a reason.

Hypnotherapy is working with the subconscious mind, we go deep into the most hidden emotions that play the most important role in making choices. Thanks to hypnotherapy, we remove all burdens and inconveniences from our lives. We just reset. And in such a prepared, clean field, we begin to create a new self. Without throwing off the ballast, forgiving and scarring the wounds, it would be difficult.

Hypnosis has a number of uses.

You will easily deal with your addictions, you will not take cigarettes into your mouth anymore, or alcohol will no longer be attractive to you.

Your obesity will no longer be obesity because you will lose unnecessary kilograms.

You can cope with bulimia or anorexia. Eating problems will be a thing of the past.

You’ll deal with stress easier.

The physical pain you feel will no longer bother you.

You will get rid of phobias.

If you suffer from allergies or skin conditions, hypnotherapy will also help.

Your overall health will improve.

You can cope with post-traumatic stress.

Sleepless nights will only be a thing of the past and sleep will be deep during which your mind and body will rest.

Your self-esteem will increase.
You will have motivation, strength, self-confidence.
You will reveal your potential.

In Regression Hypnosis, you can go back in time to when you were a young child, giving you more insight into what is happening now. You will receive answers that will be helpful in transforming your life. In addition, regression hypnosis can take you back to your previous lifetimes (if you believe in life after life, of course). These are just examples of the use of hypnotherapy because in fact, hypnosis is helpful in everything.

I conduct hypnosis sessions individually in the office, but also online. You need a good internet connection and a good camera for an online session so that I can see you perfectly.

Katarzyna Mercer